Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Deja Vu

Here we go again! For a little over a year now, we have been somewhat settled back in Southern California. After trying to lay down some serious roots and sell our 5th wheel, we were successful in neither attempt. So we decided that since we don't seem to follow the status quo anyway, we would pack up the rv again and take off for new adventures. Along with new adventures, comes this new blog, which I am rather excited about since the last one was rather cumbersome to utilize.

Our departure date is sometime in late April and as usual, we will be going wherever the wind blows us. Before we leave however, we will be tying up a few loose ends here. The boys will be wrapping up hockey and most importantly, I will be finishing my certification as a birth doula through DONA! The next two months will be crazy as we prepare. My mind is already whirling with a laundry list of items that need to get done, one of which is actually collecting all our quarters for laundry :)

And although we've done this once before, I feel like toasting to new beginnings and the unknown adventure ahead!


  1. I didn't realize you guys were seriously considering another roadtrip, but sounds like fun. I'm signing up for your RSS feed so Mark and I can keep track of your new adventures. Is that Willie Nelson I hear in the background? "On the road again. Just can't wait to get on the road again...."
    Jennifer and Mark

  2. Living outside the box? Maybe it should be "Living IN a box, on wheels" :-)

  3. Awesome V! Kinda sad you'll be leaving but I totally get the traveling/new adventure thing. If we could, I would:) Yay for getting certified! I guess I'll see you at the bf class in March, then I'll be done. Thank goodness:)

  4. Rock on! Another adventure! :) Although...I was just getting used to having you around again. I wish we could do it with you!!
